
  AngelArms.eu / Agate Investments LTD
  Sencu sila 3, Priedkalne,
  Garkalnes pag., Ropazu nov.,
  LV-1024, Lettland
  Phone: +371 20 310 310
  Email: egun@angelarms.eu






Versand in alle Länder der Europäischen Union - 19.00EUR

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr


6x Zoom Factor, ideal für Nahe an Mid-range Schießen, Jagd und Ziel Schießen Anwendungen

LaREE Lens & VePRO Fully Multi-Coated und Extra-Low Dispersion Lens, >90% Lichtdurchlässigkeit

1/4 MOA Anpassung w/ Resettable Turret, Gesamt >110 MOA Einstellbereich, große Höhe Reise

6-Gear Center Dot beleuchtetes Fiber Reticle kann auch unter Tageslicht Helligkeit gesehen werden

Nehmen Sie Lapua Magnum 338 Recoil und alle Anwendungsbereiche für Jagd, Sport & Wettbewerb

DI Spare Elevation Turret: Anpassbar für bestimmte ballistische Trajektorien und Distanzmarker



Shipping to all Europe Union Countries with tracking delivery - 19.00 EUR

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiber Riflescope


6x Zoom Factor, Ideal for Close to Mid-range Shooting, Hunting and Target Shooting Applications

LaREE Lens & VePRO Fully Multi-Coated and Extra-low Dispersion Lens, >90% Light Transmission

1/4 MOA Adjustment w/ Resettable Turret, Total >110 MOA Adjustment Range, Large Elevation Travel

6-Gear Center Dot Illuminated Fiber Reticle Can be Seen Even Under Daylight Brightness

Take Lapua Magnum 338 Recoil and All Fields of Application for Hunting, Sporting & Competition

DIY Spare Elevation Turret: Customizable for Specific Ballistic Trajectories and Distance Markers



Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

Vector Optics Continental x6 2.5-15x56 Fiberglas Zielfernrohr www.angelarms.eu

AngelArms.eu / Agate Investments LTD

Sencu sila 3, Priedkalne,

Garkalnes pag., Ropazu nov.,

LV-1024, Lettland

Phone: +371 20 310 310

Email: egun@angelarms.eu


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request time: -1741482711.843575 sec - runtime: 1741482711.847260 sec