Säbel scheide 19. Jahrhunderts --- Gesamtlänge: 92/90 cm --- Breite: 3,2 cm --- Klingeneinlass: 2,5 cm x 7/5 mm --- XIXth Century Iron Scabbard for Austrian or German Military Saber --- Total length: 92 cm --- Effective inner length: 90 cm --- Wide: 3,2 cm --- Blade entry: 2,5 cm x 7/5 mm --- Sale only in the European Union. No sale and no shipping to UK, Switzerland or other non-EU countries. ----- Good condition. ----- Please look at the photos carefully, they are part of the description. ----- If you have any questions, please ask before bidding. I do not accept returns. ----- ----- I ship using UPS only. ----- For shipments to countries like Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Baltic countries, Finland, Spain, Portugal etc. the costs are higher than for countries in zones 1 and 2.

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