Mein Angebot:


Infos vom Hersteller:

Loads your favorite lever rifle in the blink of an eye. With improvements in 3D Printing technology, we are able to produce our loaders faster, cheaper and as strong as the machined Delrin heads.

.44 magnum, .44 special, .45 colt, .38-40 (Starline Brass), .44-40 (Starline Brass) and .30-30 (4 rounds) and .32-40 (4 rounds) , 1 model, 2 magazine capacities, 7 calibers.
Works in:
Citadel Levtac 92 Rossi 92, Puma Henry Big Boy Side Gate
Winchester/Uberti/Chiappa 1866, 1873, 1892 .
Marlin 1894 with minor modifications.

The Danger Noodle speedloader works by trapping the rim of the cartridge with an adjustable spring loaded ball bearing, meaning that the loader works with almost any rimmed cartridge with a similar sized case head.

Machined from anodised 6061 aluminium and 3D Printed Carbon Fibre Nylon

Proudly Australian made.




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