"Bayonets Of The Polish Army 1918-1939"



This book provides an extensive and in depth examination of bayonets Polish Army 1918-1939. The history of the bayonet is indeed an interesting one, and this comprehensive reference does a splendid job of covering its origin and evolution, as well as the physical description, manufacturing data, service history and and the exact dimensions. In this book, author uses clear, detailed images (professionally studio photographed in the highest resolution and corrected color), showing common examples and rarer versions. Bayonets: Polish, German, Austro-Hungarian and French. Language: English, Publication: 2018, Hardcover: 136 pages, Dimensions: 8.18 x 11.60 inches (208 x 295 mm), ISBN: 978-83-947139-3-5


Shipping Deutschland (Kurier DPD, maximal 10 Bücher) - 12 EUR, Shipping EU - 17 EUR




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