Italian carbine that is in fact a pistol with a fixed stock. The shooter could use it as a carbine and as a pistol. This piece was made in 1862 in Brescia Italy for the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. It has a rifled barrel for firing Minié-Delvigne type bullets. These pistols were used in the many wars for the unification (Risorgimento) of Italy, the Battle of Venice and the Battle for the Church State of Rome, where such pieces were used against the Papal army. They stayed in service until 1870. The butt is marked "J PIRE & Cie ANVERS", which suggests that the piece was resold by this gunmaker after military service. It is a missing a small chip of wood near the buttplate (see picture). It is also missing the percussion hammer screw. It is in used condition with all markings present. A rare piece! Versand Deutschland, Belgien, Niederlande: 19 Euro, Weitere EU Länder: 29 Euro.

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