Selling new Target Vision LongShot LR3 Target UltraHD Camera. Straight Shooter 2-Mile vision Guarantee CrispEdge 2688 x 1512 HD Image All-Axis Camera Adjustment OverObstacle Design Blinker Shot Locator Patented "Go the Distance" Link Technology Includes: Camera, Receiver, Hard Target Camera Case, 2 Tripods, 2 Chargers LONGSHOT's wireless, portable, and battery-powered target camera systems are set up adjacent to your target and 10-15 ft. back; the long-distance wireless camera can be moved within that range to adjust the field of view. Since the long-range wireless camera is positioned downrange by the target, you'll never have to worry about fighting mirage to see your shots again. With a runtime of 9+ hours, LONGSHOT LR-3 cameras allow you to view the target remotely on your tablet or phone via an easy-to-use free Longshotapp (track and number shots, save photos, review sessions, record video, and stills). No cell or WiFi service is required. You'll have live HD video at your fingertips, making it easy to see where your shots are hitting—seeing your shot has never been easier.

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