Selling Seb Neo rest for F class. NEO rest is engineered to last, engineered to win! SEB rests are used by more competitive shooters around the world than any other brand and probably more matches or records in F-Class have been won or broken using our SEB NEO rests compared to other rests combined. Ambidextrous, to serve both right and left handed shooters. NEO Standard with spring loaded top mechanism to help hold up the weight of the rifle. NEO Ratigan BR with static counter weights available (dependent on rifle weight). Dual support columns with rack & pinion system, with a huge and rapid adjustment range. Reversible base configuration. Rest can be used in reverse acting mode. Up on joystick = down on rest, down = up. With match proven adjustable top to accommodate different guns. Rest packs up very compactly, easily dismantled for transport – a big “plus” when traveling.

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