Limitiert auf nur 150 Exemplare, meist schon ausverkauft.

Nr. 95 von 150

WAKI XXV ANNIVERSARIUM LIMITED EDITION is a limited series of only 150 pieces that preserves all the characteristics of the famous Waki model.

This product is a reinterpretation of the Japanese Wakizashi sword, a traditional blade 30 to 60 cm long, which the Samurai used to carry in contact with their body, as opposed to the Katana that was carried exclusively in battle.

The blade has the classic Japanese Tanto style and is made of Böhler N690 steel with heat treatments that bring its hardness to 58 HRC for best combining edge retention and resistance.

The blade, with flat grinding, has an exquisite satin finish. The black handle is made of Forprene, while the black Cordura sheath is equipped with MOLLE system which guarantees safety during the carry of this extremely sharp blade and protects it from shocks, which could reduce its efficiency.

WAKI XXV ANNIVERSARIUM LIMITED EDITION comes in an IP67 certified watertight Polypropylene technical case with pressurization valve, resistant to atmospheric agents, dust, and shocks. The case also contains a metal plate engraved with the limited series numbering of 150 pieces and a commemorative coin of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Extrema Ratio.

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